Toronto's MONSTER RECORDS 664 Yonge St. (416) 975-1829

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Holy crap! A decade huh?

Ten years ago today, Toronto's Monster Records opened its doors to the public for the first time.Holy crap time flies!

I gotta say folks, it's been a helluva ride, watching this place grow over the years. Jeez, back then we had about 1/5 of the stock we've got now...It fills me with a great deal of satisfaction to think that we have customers who've been shopping here for the *past decade*. Actually it kinda freaks me out a little! (k... maybe more than a little. lol) It was recently brought to my attention that several of you have been shopping here for *more than half your lives*!

Damn I feel old! LOL!

Over the years we've made strong friendships... said goodbye to more friends than I'd care to think about... become a regular stop for many visitors from all points beyond... we've watched the neighborhood undergo various transformations through good times and bad, cold snaps and heatwaves, city strikes, theatre collapses, blackouts, SARS... but damn, through it all, we're still alive and kickin'!

Thanks to *all* of you for helping to make this place as great as it is. I couldn't do it without you guys.

I look forward to seeing what the next ten will bring!



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